Low Video Resolutions in Per-Title Adaptive Encoding

Jan Ozer, producer of Streaming Learning Center courses and contributing editor of Streaming Media magazine, reached out to me recently with an interesting question:

If using per-title video encoding (or any other multi-bitrate encoding approach where resolutions are dynamically determined based on video quality metrics rather than predetermined statically) and the encoding algorithm suggests that for a given video source even the lowest bitrates in the encoding ladder could be encoded at 1080p resolution with satisfactory visual quality – is there any reason why one would still want to include resolutions below 1080p in that encoding ladder?

My short answer was: YES.

For my long answer (as well as contributions from David Ronca, Derek Prestegard and Fabio Sonnati) check out Jan’s article Choosing the Resolution for Lower Rungs on Your Encoding Ladder.

About Alex Zambelli

Alex is a Product Manager at Discovery in Bellevue, WA. Prior to his current job he was a Product Manager at Hulu and iStreamPlanet (Turner), and Technical Evangelist for media technologies at Microsoft. He has been professionally involved with development of digital video and streaming technologies since 2002.
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